


Representación ante la Unión Europea y las Comunidades Autónomas

Atrás Staff recruitment procedure at the Valencia Branch Office: latest information

Staff recruitment procedure at the Valencia Branch Office: latest information

Generalitat Valenciana, as hosting institution of the ENI CBC Med Branch Office for the Western Mediterranean, informs that:

• the selection committee met on June, 1st and assessed the applications submitted for the positions of coordinator and junior officer of the Branch Office;

• communications will be sent to all candidates about admission or exclusion of the selection, stating their mark and the cut-off mark

• the 10 candidates for each position that enter the second step of the final interviews will receive a communication inviting them to participate in them;

• the interviews will take place June 13th for coordinator position and June 14th for junior officer position, from 9:00 hours or 12:00 hours onwards;

•  the place of the interviews is the site of DGRUE, Caballeros St. 9, 46001 Valencia. The interviews will be called by alphabetical order of the surname.
